This is so cool! I love all the creepy creatures and inking style.
This is so cool! I love all the creepy creatures and inking style.
This genuinely creeps me out. You absolutely nailed the atmosphere and facial expression!
Thank you so much omg!! <333
Seeing artists make good use of extra stuff they don't need is always cool. It's a great way to recycle/upcycle! The spikes give this a unique and cool feel 😄
I've been looking through a lot of the art you've made, they're terrific and terrifying at the same time! All expertly made, and makes me feel inspired to do some more arting.
good good good good always make more art yes yes yes
This will haunt my dreams, 20 out of 10!
I want one as a pet!
This is excellent use of color! The moody orange leafs of the trees contrast the darkening sky. The world itself looks like it's in motion, warping and twisting. I can see some cool hidden details and symbolism here.
Both your artstyle and the PuyoPuyo artstyle blend together well! You're making notable improvements in art skills.
This is too adorable! These characters are very expressive, and the color palatte gives an extra bit of warmth and coziness to this drawing.
Heyo, I'm just some random dork on the internet that likes to draw, paint, and play fun videogames!
I'm a big fan of creepy creatures and spooky animals, as well as geometric patterns.
A beehive in antartica
Joined on 5/30/24